Registration is now Open for Women with Wings 3, to be held from

25th February – 1st March 2013 in Bright, Victoria Australia!


This is a women’s only flying clinic for hang glider and paraglider

pilots with instructors and mentors on the ground AND in the air to

assist in the advancement of your flying, whether you have just

completed your HG or PG license, or want to improve your XC and

competition skills.

Early bird registrations are just $129.50 till 30th November. After

that, the price will rise significantly so book in soon! Last time,

registrations filled very quickly close to the closing date and

numbers are capped, so don’t leave it to the last minute!

“Now my confidence level – not only in my ability but in the

knowledge that I will keep flying is rock solid. And I know I won’t

lose it.” Diana Sima

“Talking and discussing my feelings of fear with other women really

helped. These were valid feelings but they could be dealt with.

Being feminine was not an impediment to flying! Female pilots are a

rare breed and I was so lucky to be spending a week flying with a

flock of them.” Gia Arbuthnott

See more testimonials and stories by going to

<http://www.hgfa.asn.au> click on Skysailor, click May 2011 p 28,

and June 2011 p12.

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