At the request by a number of Members, The Management Committee of the Cairns Hang Gliding Club wish to acknowledge that as a result of careful review of the Club’s Constitution that the recent decision at the General Meeting of the Cairns Hang Gliding Club on Wed 1-4-2020 to “suspend flying operations in the Cairns Region” be rescinded due to the lack of a quorum. However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Cairns Hang Gliding Club Management Committee do encourage all Members to seriously consider any flying activity in the Cairns Region at its listed Sites during this time. That if any member chooses to engage in flying activity, that they comply with the latest Queensland Government ‘Home Confinement Directive’ and follow recommendations from the Queensland Health Department regarding social distancing.
After careful thought and consideration, the Cairns Hang Gliding Club (CHGC) announces that flying operations are suspended in the Cairns Region from midnight on 1 April 2020 (NO, NOT APRIL FOOLS!). There has been debate in our community about the moral and social impacts of flying during the coronavirus crisis and this was discussed as a matter of upmost priority at the 1/4/2020 CHGC meeting, and the motion was presented and passed that all flying activities in this region, Rex Lookout and The Gilles, be suspended until further notice.
On the evening of 29 Mar 2020 the Prime Minister announced measures to protect the community. National and local Government authorities are putting in place, and enforcing, stricter social distancing measures.
In particular, the measures direct that a person must not leave their place of residence without a reasonable excuse and observe a 1.5m social distancing rule. We do not believe that flying operations would be viewed as a reasonable excuse and may lead to situations were persons are not observing the 1.5m rule. Flight related accidents may place undue stress on medical services already under pressure in these trying times. Some have considered that our operations, namely flying, might be considered exercise and therefore be interpreted to mean a reasonable excuse. While this may be debatable, we urge all pilots to avoid trying to interpret the directives in a way which might suit their desire to fly but is in effect counter to the intent.
Of equal concern is that the measures direct the closure of certain premises. Our flying sites would meet the definition of ‘community facilities’ and will often attract a crowd. This would expose all of us and spectators. Also, please be very aware, as the CHGC has suspended all flying, any flight would be unlawful and any insurances through SAFA would be void.
We understand that this suspension will deeply affect those of us who are very keen to fly. But, once this virus storm has passed we are all looking forward to resuming ‘normal’ operations.
Flying operations includes paragliding and hang gliding.
The Far North Queensland Cairns Region, covers those sites administered by The Cairns Hang Gliding Club, Rex Lookout and The Gilles.
Rex Lookout, flights suspended until further notice.
First and foremost, may i take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new President for the club (not entirely sure how that happened, i think everyone else took one step back). On behalf of us all, i’d like to pass on our thanks to Giles as outgoing President for all the hard work he has put in on behalf of the club during 2017.
In short, a summary of the AGM.
After some discussion;
Giles Andreata passed the baton to myself to take up the role of President.
Daniel Keech, has stepped up once again to take on the role of Treasurer, thanks Daniel!
Brod Osbourne, has stepped up once again to take on the role of Secretary, again many thanks Brod!
Not sure that i’m any more qualified than Giles to fulfil the role as President but rest assured i’ll do my best!
Next meeting will be 1st of Feb 2018 at Yorkeys Knob Boat Club… be there, or be… ‘flying’, it’s the only excuse accepted! 😉
Looking forward to getting some more hours in the air before the holidays! And, to a great flying year ahead in 2018!
Don’t forget, join us on FaceBook for the latest news and events.
Superb footage and commentary from this rather slick BBC production from 1985. Makes you realize how far trikes (and video cameras!) have come! Gentleman aviators indeed!