Gillies Comp Sat 28th Nov 2009
Well, a gallant attempt was made to stage a Gillies comp on Saturday the 28th November. The day looked reasonable and Bob, Joe, Ron, Brod, Warren and Kieren turned up at Jack’s farm for the drive in. Eva kindly volunteered to drive and close the gates. (thanks Eva!)
As usual, the cycles roared through during set up, then lulled off when we were actually ready to go. Ron lined up first. The cycles made us wait a long time before arriving, so patience on launch was needed. Brod was next, then Bob. Once in the valley, the air was a bit strange. Lots of bubbles but very difficult to catch. Ron run for the point, as did Bob. Brod turned back over launch and had a better time of it. He then went out into the valley and managed to stay up. Ron and Bob meanwhile, kept proving Einstien was right about gravity…
Bob made the turf farm. Ron had an ‘interesting’ downwinder into a cane paddock (see pic) Keiren launched in Warren’s Litesport and had a good run, despite the harness being too small and his legs cramping most of the time. Kieren and Brod both landed at the turf farm as well. Joe and Warren felt the return didn’t match the investment and packed up.
So, we tried but it didn’t quite work out. We are going to have another go next weekend 5th and 6th December 2009. (weather permitting).

waiting on launch

setting up

Ron's landing paddock

Nice nees!