Our weather station will soon be here!
Soon you will be able to check the weather on our website!
Queensland Transport and the Department of Main Roads has recently granted permission for the Cairns Hang Gliding Club to install a state of the art weather station at the Rex Look-out.
Not only will it save our pilots time and fuel on driving to the look-out to find the wind is not great for flying, the local community will also benefit from this club initiative. There are many people in the community who rely on weather reports for work and recreational activities, our weather station will be able to give accurate and up to date information at the click of a button.
Access will be free via this website and you will be able to read live information such as wind strength and direction, barometric pressure, rain fall and other conditions.
Work has begun on the plans for installation, so stay tuned for the launch date.
February 3rd, 2010 at 11:59 am
Kudos from one braniac to another. 🙂